2019년 2월 17일 일요일

Interview with Marion Knox by Elana Freeland, Project monarch , mk ultra 비밀 세력의 권력 유지수단


사람들을 목적에 맞게프로그램하기 위해서 Sodomy를 이용한다는 내용입니다.

2-4세 아이에게 척추의 말단을 자극하게 되면 송과체가 열리고 보롯처럼 성인이되어서도 프로그램 할수 있는 ,mk ultra 같은 기능을 하고 ,이 것을 통해 일루미나티, 매이슨 같은 조직에 충성하게하고, 그것을 통해서 조직을 유지할수 있다고 합니다. Sodomy을 거친 사람많이 illuminate 되었다고 보고 그들끼리의 조직인 일루미나티 이라고 합니다.프로그램 과정에서 사탄이나 루시퍼 영을 initiate 한다는 내용입니다.

Mk ultra가 매우 광범위하며 조직의 profound한 의식이라는 생각이 들었습니다.


“The Rite of Sodomy” the central tenet of TBMC, promoted by Alistair Crowley, whereby the children/ trainee slaves are sodomised with dildos or other implements in order to manually manipulate nerve endings at the base of the spine, which stimulate the pineal gland, the master gland and the CENTRE OF PSYCHIC AWARENESS IN THE HUMAN MIND, our third eye, giving the subject flashes of cosmic consciousness, allowing the Master/Handler to “bind and control” their “slave”.)

Interviewing Deprogrammers: In the House of the Strong Man Sodomy is the Key

Interview with Marion Knox by Elana Freeland

           The doctors of the law, too, who had come down from Jerusalem, said, ‘He is possessed by Beelzebub’ and ‘He drives out devils by the prince of devils.’ So he called them to come forward, and spoke to them in parables: ‘How can Satan drive out Satan? If a kingdom is divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand; if a household is divided against itself, that house will never stand; and if Satan is in rebellion against himself, he is divided and cannot stand; and that is the end of him.

          ‘On the other hand, no one can break into a strong man’s house and make off with his goods unless he has first tied the strong man up; then he can ransack the house.’ (Mark 3:22-27, NE)

           Marion Knox is a farmer in Lebanon, Oregon who more and more is called upon to do the work of deliverance, not deprogramming. For more information about how he works, feel free to contact him at 36185 Bohlken Drive, Lebanon OR 97355, (541)259-1839. Therapists of all persuasions may be interested in sending $5 to mkzine for xeroxing and mailing to read Marion’s 19-page “Biblical Perspective of Ritual Abuse” that lays out how Illuminati programming is structured and how Marion delivers -- and reintegrates -- DIDs through Jesus Christ.


 E:       Marion, where I want to start is with your statement that the presence of Elohim spirits usually indicate Freemasonic programming that is installed by sodomy. Does that ring a bell?

 M:      Yes, it does, and I would like to broaden that a little bit. Ron Patton once did an article on Monarch programming. Based on what you might call research or what I have discovered in maybe 500 people over a period of ten years -- I’m just guessing because I don’t keep records -- this is my impression: the most vulnerable age for preparing a person for mind control is between two and four years of age because of the development of the child’s mind at that age. Traumatic things can damage them worse than if they were younger or older. Also, in order to be programmable there needs to be a change in the way their mind works between two and four. That change can only be achieved by sodomy.

 E:       What is it about sodomy that does that?

 M:      It attacks the nerves at the base of the spine and causes something neurological to happen within the brain. It also has a spiritual, demonic component to it that affects the person’s mind in a way that nothing else will, as near as I can tell. In other words, I would state it this way: for a person to be able to develop multiple personalities, they would have to be sodomized between two and four.

 E:       For all multiple personality disorders?

 M:      As far as I know. It’s not commonly told this way because sodomy puts in a deaf and dumb spirit and causes memory loss so that some people may remember occult rituals but won’t remember the sodomy. But sodomy is the foundation of the whole thing. It is called “the key of David”1 by the Rothschild Illuminati.

 E:       When you say Rothschild Illuminati, you’re not talking about just the Rothschild family?

 M:      No, I’m talking about all of the occult people all over the world. This goes back to Nimrod. This is the Egyptian initiation of the child to open the third eye.

 E:       Are you saying that back in Egypt in 3000 B.C.E., when the priesthood was at its peak, they were using sodomy for their initiations?

 M:      As far as I know, sodomy is always used in the occult going clear back before the Flood. Sodomy is Satan’s sex or Satan’s new birth of the child. I don’t believe anybody can become fully illuminated unless they have been sodomized at around three years of age. If they wait to touch that person until they’re ten, twelve, fifteen years old, they will never be fully illuminated because you can’t open the third eye after about five or six years of age.

 E:       The third eye meaning the pineal gland between the eyes?

 M:      Yes. I have traced migraine headaches from anal sex. It comes up the spine, over the back of the head right into the forehead.

 E:       All migraines, or --

 M:      No, I’m not saying all migraine headaches are from sodomy because I had one once that was put on me by a retired chiropractor  and he did not sodomize me. But I think he was a sodomite. Basically, Satan cannot sodomize someone on his own, but he can influence somebody to sodomize someone else and then it’s like having Satan sodomize them and put the sodomy power within them. Sodomy is spiritual. I get intense about this because it is so clear, and the Bible is the best source for discovering this.

 E:       Regarding Illuminati and Rothschild --

 M:      Let’s leave Rothschild out of this. Not everybody is Rothschild unless you are using Rothschild as a loose term like Illuminati. With Illuminati referring to the wider spectrum, there is a Rothschild element and a Masonic element, but probably as sinister as any is the Jesuit element. I cannot prove this, I wish I could, but I believe that to become a full-fledged Jesuit you would have had to have been sodomized by the time you were three years of age. I believe they’re all sodomites.

 E:       The entire Society of Jesus?

 M:      I don’t think you can become powerful in the Society of Jesus without being involved in sodomy at some point in time.

 E:       Marion, when you say the third eye, I think of the ability to see visions, to see things we normally can’t. Is that what you’re talking about?

 M:      To make a mystic with those capabilities requires sodomy because sodomy changes the way the mind works; it opens the mind up to the spirit world.

 E:       So it’s the same effect on male or female children?

 M:      Absolutely, and you never know what the effect is going to be. One might be one way and one another, but to be able to become a mystic, whether it’s a Catholic mystic or any other kind of mystic, that is the route to go. I call that the Legion mindset.

 E:       Let’s go back to the Elohim and Legion. What are the differences?

 M:      The Legion mindset has the Strong Man spirit in it. It’s like the House of the Strong Man: its foundation can develop into a mystic, or into multiple personalities. The Legion mindset would be what Alice in Wonderland is all about. The Elohim spirit is just one small item.

 E:       But they’re inserted through sodomy, as well?

 M:      Yes. I think the spirit called Elohim in people who have gone through Masonic ceremonies enters with sodomy.

 E:       But the word Elohim in the Old Testament is actually a good word --

 M:      Not always, because the word means “spirit.” I think if you check the original, when Samuel came up, the witch of Endor said she saw the Elohim coming up. So she saw the spirit coming up, not God Almighty. In the occult world, they have many Elohim. Why do you think that Wicca’s magic circle has the name Elohim and Adonai? Do you think that’s God Almighty? I don’t think so.

 E:       So they may have spirits that are stand-ins for other --

 M:      Basically, the sodomy spirits would call themselves the I AM spirits. When you have someone who has a sodomy spirit, that sodomy spirit claims to be God. So then it’s just the next step to use the names that we associate with God. Mormonism says that Elohim had sex with Mary to birth Jesus. Do you think that was Almighty God? I don’t think so. Joseph Smith was a peepstone gazer; he had the third eye open. He was a molester, had been a Mason and copied Masonic ceremonies for the Temple ceremonies.

 E:       From what you have learned from the people you have deprogrammed -- you don’t like that word, do you?

 M:      You can use the word deprogramming, but it is used in circles that are not Christian, and basically a lot of what they call deprogramming is reprogramming. I like to think of it as changing a mindset. But go ahead and ask your question.

 E:       I’m trying to establish a relationship between the Illuminati and Freemasons.

 M:      Okay. In the true sense of the word, Illuminati is a class of people that have illumination in common. In the political sense, you might have people who have joined an organization called the Illuminati -- like being a Democrat or a Republican. But in the true sense of the word, the Illuminati refers to enlightened or illuminated ones.

 E:       And they can be from any brotherhood or organization?

 M:      Yes.

 E:       And they have gone through some sort of initiation for that?

 M:      In a spiritual sense, they have been illuminated or initiated into the illumination of Lucifer. The initiation into the light of Lucifer is achieved by sodomy of the three year old. However, if that person does not follow through, he can become a dud -- he doesn’t go anywhere, so he hasn’t really risen to any rank within the movement of the body of the Illuminati. They have certain degrees associated with being a high-level Illuminati -- you wouldn’t get there simply by being initiated as a three year old. The initiation of the three year old is the beginning requirement of someday rising up into the ranks of a group that is considered to be the Illuminati. A lot of people think of the Illuminati as being a political group of people, but in another sense it’s a brotherhood of sodomites that’s like family.

 E:       When you say ‘like family,’ are some blood related and most not?

 M:      I’m saying sodomites feel a family bond, whether related or not.

 E:       Sodomites -- Illuminati or otherwise. Is sodomy ritually continued after three years old?

 M:      Let me try to explain it this way. Who is the Bride of Christ or who is the Church? Everybody who is truly born again is in the kingdom or family of God, right?

 E:       Uh-huh.

 M:      That is THE Church, right? But then you’ve got Methodists, Baptists, Nazarenes and all these different groups. The Illuminati is Lucifer’s church, the mystical body of Satan.

 E:       Is sodomy like communion for them?

 M:      No, sodomy is like being born again.

 E:       Do they do it over and over?

 M:      Yes, but especially in intense programming, like Monarch or mind control programming, sodomy is used over and over and over. Those who have programmers or keepers, they’re using sodomy all the time to keep the person in line.

 E:       Is sodomy a threat or is it pleasurable to the sodomized?

 M:      Those who have been programmed have a locked-in three-year-old mindset which is the core of the programming. Say they’re eighteen or twenty years old and somebody comes up and knows the signal or says the code word to call out the three-year-old core. The person then goes into the three-year-old state to be sodomized, then the sodomites program into their minds what they want to program in, and when that person wakes up they probably don’t even remember that anything happened. Basically, a person reverts back to the three year old to be a total victim to the sodomy.

          There are many ramifications of this. If you read the book by Cathy O’Brien, she says that a high-level politician gave her messages to take to the King of Saudi Arabia. The politician would access her sex alter, repeat the message, bring her out of that sex alter, ship her overseas, and when she got there the King would access her sex alter and get the message word for word from the high-level politician and return an answer. That basically is a picture -- she didn’t say it was sodomy but that’s what they do. Sodomy puts them into a trance where you can program in directly to the subconscious memory file without any interference of the conscious mind. Sodomy is what puts the person into that state where you can do it. They might even get them so highly programmed that they can just say the word or repeat the code.

 E:       Can you use sodomy for programming after childhood?

 M:      You can program a 50-year-old person with sodomy.

 E:       But would you have had to have done it at least once when they were small?

 M:      To get a mind control slave, yes. You can’t take a 20-year-old person and make a mind control slave out of them by waiting until they’re 20 years old to do it. To program them like TV and movies do -- you could not make a Monarch programmed person if you hadn’t started with them as a child.

 E:       Have victims actually used the word Monarch to describe their programming?

 M:      One of the people I worked with came up with the idea that the wings of the monarch butterfly are actually the pelvic skeletal shape. Then if you add sodomy, you add the abdomen of the butterfly. The other thing about Monarch would be that these people are told they are royalty or “chosen ones,” given that a lot of bloodline families in power in the United States claim to be descendants of European royalty or descendants of monarchs. You could look at it that way. I say that Monarch programming is basically sodomy programming.

          Some people are being kept in bondage by sodomizing themselves -- [Here the telephone turns into static that takes several minutes to rectify.]  -- sodomy is used  to re-boot the computer and reactivate the programming.

 E:       Do you think this is at all behind the big push to accept homosexuality as normal?

 M:      Of course.  

E:       Do you think all homosexuals are sodomized early?

 M:      I don’t think that very many homosexuals become homosexual without being sexually abused early. They may not all have been sodomized, but a large portion were.

          As far as religions go, Catholics and Masons are at the top of the list. It’s possible that the Catholic hierarchy may even have an unofficial doctrine to sodomize three year olds so as to bind them to the Church. They say, “Give us a child until he’s five and he’ll always be Catholic,” but they don’t start any religious training with the children until they’re five. I recently freed a guy who was sodomized by a priest when he was probably three and then at thirteen was put in Boys Town in Nebraska, and the priest there would take him into a room, lock the doors, and make him do whatever he wanted him to do. A first-hand witness of the corruption at Boys Town.

 E:       What about Skull and Bones, Scroll and Key -- fraternities of elite sons -- do you suppose they’re using sodomy as well to make deep bonds for the sake of money and power in the families?

 M:      I can’t imagine they haven’t. What is Skull and Bones anyway but the order of death? Why are they doing things connected with the dead? Sodomy is the biggest occult power source there is, so how did they get their power without it? I was not there, I was never invited to go there, I could not have gone there because I was never a victim of sodomy as a child. Now, the Masons do recruit people who are innocent bystanders just for the image and the dues. But the real driving force of the Masons are the sodomites, just check the de Molay thing.

 E:       Tell me a little more about the deep bond that forms among men because of sodomy.

 M:      Let me tell you a little story. I have been trying to help a woman for the last five years to get free of the bondage and victimization that began when she was a child. She was married to a guy who’s wealthy and works for Nike, and is also a cross-dresser. I even met with the cross-dresser and uncovered that his grandpa was a Mason who treated him like a little girl and sodomized him. This was from his mind, not mine -- but he didn’t want to believe it and get right. They have four children, and she’s been sitting there with the damage to the children.

          She’d been trying to get something to pin on him, like his pornography on the internet, but he always lied his way out of everything. I called her out of the blue the other day and she had filed for divorce but still didn’t have anything on him. So I said, “Do you suppose you might have a spirit of his, like the Strong Man?” So I checked it out and the answer that came from her mind was that the spirit of her husband had entered her on her wedding night by sodomy. All she can remember is that the wedding night was a bad night. I cast it out. She had a bright red rash on her when we were talking about this, but when I cast out the Strong Man spirit with her husband’s name, put in with sodomy, within minutes the rash was completely gone.

          Within the week, she happened to be at her husband’s new house where the daughter was, and the daughter said, “Let me show you something.” They went into a big walk-in closet where there was a suitcase with another locked suitcase in it. The daughter got the key, opened up the little suitcase, and there were women’s paraphernalia, lingerie, even the tool to sodomize himself. She could not find any evidence on that guy until I got rid of that spirit of sodomy from him. Her eyes and the daughter’s eyes were opened.

          Sodomy has a spiritual component in it that is far more sinister than anybody recognizes. It is the most underrated evil power to the general public. But to the people who are in the know, they know that this is the ultimate rebellion against God Himself. This is what they hope to use to gain the whole human race for their side and defeat God Himself.

 E:       I’m convinced you’re right that for both mind control and male bonds of power, sodomy is somehow key. What about another brotherhood, the Special Forces -- Navy SEALS, Green Berets -- elite cadres?

 M:      From what I can gather, I believe they are chosen because the men start out as victims as three year olds. I worked to help get a guy free whose mother ran a topless bar down in California and he had a tremendous internal rage. He didn’t do very well in school and he had his problems with drugs, but a guy came along and got him a full ride of four years at West Point. He should never have gotten in there. He went in on a football scholarship, but when they got him in there they switched him to a boxing scholarship because when he got into boxing, the rage could be turned on. He heard that some of the initiations coming up in the second West Point year included sodomy. I don’t know that they subjected him to sodomy, but he quit before he went more than one year.

          Just like in war, where traumatic things happen that soldiers can’t remember, this is what sodomy does to the child. The denial system that kicks in produces at least in some people the ability to compartmentalize. When you compartmentalize, you can be in a certain compartment of your mind without detracting from other compartments of your mind. If you’re in the pure rage compartment, you don’t have any kindness or love diluting it.

 E:       So in the profiling that the military might use in order to find a man who fits the untapped rage pattern --

 M:      I could make a profile! I could take a few victims that are healed and sit them down beside me and we could bring the people through an interview and we could profile them.

 E:       Why do I think this programming through sodomy acts so much more powerfully on males than on females?

 M:      It doesn’t, but males and females are different. Females are best for becoming programmed computers or human recorders. Most women are more capable of creating multiple personality systems because of the way their minds work. But the fact is that men are more aggressive, so the percentage of women who are sodomized and become perpetrators is far lower than the percentage of men who become perpetrators. They’re all victims to start with, but women just go on being victims, they don’t tend to turn into perpetrators themselves. I’ve worked with men who did not become perpetrators and remained victims, just like the women; and I’ve seen evidence of women who became perpetrators. Witches are perpetrators and just like men, they’re molesters. I’ve worked with people who had women sodomizing them with objects, molesting children. But the percentage is lower with women than it is men. A higher percentage of men will transition from victim to perpetrator. And I’m convinced that there are some men who compartmentalize in such a way that they do not on the average remember acts of molesting; they will only remember if they get into that compartment. Otherwise, they have amnesiac barriers between the different compartments of their minds. Women are that way, too. A perpetrator with an amnesiac barrier is a sad, sad case because they can switch into that compartment and go out and molest, then switch out and not remember. This is the kind of person they use in Special Forces for their assassination teams because they can activate the hidden compartment that has been programmed for assassination and send them out on a mission. A man who claimed to have been in the South African Special Forces told me of two cases where he was sent to assassinate, one in a national park in South Africa, and another in London.

 E:       So sodomy doesn’t need to be used; the trigger word can just be used to activate that compartment.

 M:      I don’t know. I think that they could use sodomy and make them forget the whole thing. People have been sodomized and they couldn’t remember for three or six months after it had happened. We didn’t know what was wrong with them, and then later found out somebody took them out and sodomized them.

          Sodomy is a spiritual thing. Let’s say Ben sodomizes either a man or woman. When he does that, that person has a spirit by the name of Ben that changes the way that person relates to things. This can even be as an adult. You can’t put the Legion mindset in when they’re 40 years old, but you can put Ben in when they’re 40 years old and it will change the way that person thinks. I’ve had different women who separated from abusive husbands and for some reason couldn’t break loose of the soul tie to their husband, but when we cast out the sodomy spirit by their husband’s name, their feelings about their ex-husbands changed. The most classic example is the lady who had slept with her husband before they were married, committed adultery at 40 years of age, and when I commanded the Strong Man to give its name it was her husband’s name that entered at 40 when he sodomized her. That spirit of sodomy was more damaging to her than the spirit of adultery or fornication.

 E:       What is the relationship between sodomy and the House of the Strong Man?

 M:      If a person is sodomized, the Strong Man spirit that Jesus spoke of will be the spirit of the sodomy. It’s actually an unclean spirit and a familiar spirit with the name of the person who did the sodomy. So when you sodomize a three year old, you build the doll house with the three year old trapped inside, and every time that person is sodomized from that point on a Strong Man enters. So let’s just say Joseph sodomized the child -- now Joseph and the three-year-old child are in the house locked in the core of the mind. Along comes Jack and sodomizes the girl later  -- now, there’s Joseph, the child, and Jack. Then comes Ben later, then comes Sterling, then comes Red, then comes this guy and that guy -- you’ve got a whole legion of sodomites and every one of them has a name, which means that you’ve got many spirits of the sodomites in the House of Joseph the Strong Man, the original sodomizer.

 E:       You’re being literal when you say spirit -- that the dissociation that creates multiples is the entry of one spirit after another.

 M:      Well, some people would like to say that multiple personalities are not spirits. I would like to say that the whole multiple mindset is a demonic mindset, basically a Legion-style mindset of many, the same as the man in Mark 5 said: “My name is Legion, for we are many,” and Jesus released them all at once. For the benefit of anybody who was looking on, two thousand pigs went crazy and drowned while the man was again clothed and in his right mind. So basically all of his legion of spirits, multiple personalities, or anything you want to call them, all were gone and his mind was right. The whole multiple mindset is a wrong mindset. It’s a fantasy world mindset.

 E:       But it’s not necessarily possession by demonic spirits?

 M:      If you got rid of every demon that multiple personality people have, they would no longer be multiple.

 E:       So therapists who allow certain helpers or child alters to remain, they’re not doing a service to the person?

 M:      The person can’t get free as long as they have any of that left because their mind is not working like God intended it to work.

 E:       So with each sodomy the House of the Strong Man gets stronger and stronger?

 M:      That’s right.

 E:       With a believer who can accept that Jesus Christ can deliver them all at once, you have been able to free people from the House of the Strong Man?

 M:      I’ve had it happen on quite a number of occasions, not every time. There’s some times that I never did get them to leave.

 E:       With non-believers or believers as well?

 M:      Well, people who said they were believers. But it’s possible to have a compartment of your mind that’s a believer and another compartment that is a sodomite. So what are you? A lot of people do not believe me when I say that you can cast out the Strong Man, the child, and all of the multiple system at once. But I’ve done it, by the grace of God -- Jesus did it, and others have done it. So why would I spend my time with some lesser kind of benefit if I already know that the ultimate goal is to achieve what I just described?

          I had a man once who was crazy. He had worked for twelve years to try to get free but was ready to kill his wife. He couldn’t work, his marriage was on the rocks, he was at the point of being committed. Somebody told him about me and I finally found a spot for him to come. I didn’t know anything about him. I met with him one day, uncovered that Joseph was the Strong Man, that he was Rothschild bloodline and they had used him as a male prostitute, sodomized him as a boy in rituals to get the power of the bloodline. I cast the whole thing out in one day. He didn’t talk to me again for two years. He got well, he’s still well. Two years later he and his wife came and told me the good things that had happened. He went to his 6,000-member church to give his testimony of getting well and they wouldn’t even let him use my name because they had believed negative propaganda about me. He could give his testimony but all he could say was he met with a man -- couldn’t use my name. I asked him, “What’d I do different from the rest?” He said, “They went after the stronghold, you went after the Strong Man.”

 E:       When you find out that the name of the Strong Man is Joseph, are you thinking it’s Mengele?

 M:      No. Joseph Mengele was THE biggest Joseph in the last half of the 20th century, but the name Joseph came out of the Jesuits and has been around since the 1500’s. It started with devotion to the husband of Mary, whom they call St. Joseph, and it became a symbol of the father of this system, the sodomizing father that cares for his children. When a man sodomizes a child at three, the child bonds to that man as if he were their father, and when he’s a man of the cloth, of the Church, the child bonds to the Church, too. This sodomy thing has been around for hundreds of years. Ignatius Loyola, founder of the Jesuits, was a Catholic mystic; he had to have been a sodomized one. He was the guy who headed up the Inquisition to persecute those who didn’t adhere to the tenets of the Catholic faith. Terribly cruel! How could you be that cruel if you didn’t have the sodomy rage? The torture they put people through! Later, Joseph Mengele developed the programming and brought it up to another level. He was a Catholic alter boy. I think he was also a Rothschild and a Jesuit. The founder of the Illuminati was Adam Weishaupt, trained as a Jesuit.

 E:       Sodomy stands behind multiplicity --

 M:      I haven’t found anybody who was just sexually fondled and became multiple, and I’ve never found anybody who went through occult rituals without sodomy. So I can’t tell you whether being put through a sacrifice ritual without sodomy makes a multiple. People are trying to say that would be the case -- that the ritual murders and sacrifices are traumatic enough to produce MPD -- but I’ve never found a case out there that only had sacrifice. They’ve always had the sodomy. They don’t always remember it, but when push comes to shove, they’ve got the symptoms. The occult groups know -- and they think all Christians are stupid and can’t catch on -- they know that sodomy is required to achieve what they want to achieve.

          If you check this thing out, you’ll find that all the idolatry going clear back to the days of the children of Israel in Egypt have sodomy in it. Jesus said:

 And as it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be also in the days of the Son of man. They did eat, they drank, they married wives, they were given in marriage, until the day that Noah entered into the ark, and the flood came and destroyed them all. Likewise also as it was in the days of Lot: they did eat, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they built; but the same day that Lot went out of Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven and destroyed them all. Even thus shall it be in the day when the Son of man is revealed. (Luke 17:26-30, KJV)

 Nothing wrong with marrying, buying and selling; every civilization does it. What’s the common denominator of these three times? We have more sodomy now out in the open than we’ve ever had. Lot was in Sodom -- that’s where the word sodomy comes from. It meant anal sex, or as they’re calling it now anal intercourse. What other kind of sex do you think they could produce on those angels that they tried to break the door down to get to? They wanted to get their supernatural power. The belief in the occult world is if you could sodomize God, you’d get God’s power. You become as gods through sodomy; that’s the way the Greek gods became gods. Alexander the Great was a great sodomizer and his Greek army was the most fierce. Hitler tried to pattern his SS and military after the Greek warriors using sodomy. When you put that all together, the civilizations that God wiped out boiled down to the practice of sodomy.

          By the way, I’ve found that a lot of people’s hemorrhoid problems came from their sodomy.

 E:       So sodomy is a lot more common than people give it credit for.

 M:      Now they’re putting sodomy pornography on the internet. I met a lady who had a web cam set up in her home for the internet and would sodomize herself in the nude for the guys out there to watch. She had been a church secretary.

 E:       Is sodomy the connecting link between satanism, Freemasonry, and other groups, including Jesuits?

 M:      You remember Aleister Crowley. He was a 33rd degree Mason. I talked to Bill Schnoebelen one time and asked him, “Where did the Masons get the sodomy?” and he said, “It came by Aleister Crowley from black magic Hinduism.” Well, that isn’t the only place it came from.

 E:       Have you run across more satanic stuff now? It seems rife, or has it always been around about the same amount?

 M:      As far as American society is concerned, it’s increasing. As far as Masonry and a certain element they call Black Masonry, it’s been around all the time. I don’t use the term Satanism quite as much because the Masons would be more Luciferian rather than Satanist.

 E:       What is the difference between Satan and Lucifer?

 M:      Same person, but Jesus said Satan comes either as an angel of light or as a roaring lion. Satanism is the roaring lion principle, Luciferianism is the angel of light principle. Basically, in Masonry the white and black checkered floor is the light and dark balancing factor.

          In the Bible, sodomy is translated as “uncleanness.” In Job 36:13-14, it says that  hypocrites in heart die young and live among the unclean. If you take what’s in the margin of the King James or New King James and re-read the verse, it would read like this: The hypocrites in heart, their souls die and they live amongst the sodomites. Sodomy kills the soul, destroys the soul. Romans 1 describes the route to having a reprobate mind. It’s a progression:

 Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves...

 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;
Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness, full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity: whisperers,
Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents,
Without understanding, covenant-breakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful:
Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them. (Rom. 1:24, 28-32, KJ)  

 So all kinds of things happen when they go into perversion.

E:       People talk about aliens. What is their relationship with demons?

 M:      I had a guy working for me whose brother-in-law works at Area 51. Top secret, can’t talk. This guy who worked for me asked his brother-in-law, “What about the alien thing?” He said, “The Stealth bomber is our most advanced technology that the American public is aware of and it was developed 30 years ago. What do you think they have now?”

          I think the alien thing is a cover scheme made up by these Area 51 people. The second thing I notice is that most of the people who believe in aliens say that their first abduction occurred around three years of age. There are so many similarities to occult ritual abuse that -- Whenever you put together sodomy and ritual abuse, the demons are going to be layered in. They give you a new mindset at three years of age, the fantasy world. This is what the whole alien thing is all about. There’s no such thing as aliens from other planets. There’s demons. 

E:       How do you picture where demons live? 

M:      The demon is a figment of your mind, it lives in your mind.

 E:       Is its origin in your mind as well?

 M:      You take a three-year-old child, untouched. Somebody sodomizes the child, the guy’s name is Joe. Now, all of a sudden the child has a sodomy demon called Joseph riding with him. That thing was conceived or reproduced from the Joseph demon that the man had who sodomized that child. Where’d it come from? It was birthed in the child’s mind by the act. It didn’t have to come from anywhere; it just was birthed, reproduced right there. The child was given a copy. Joe is like a copy machine that can reproduce another copy. I don’t feel all demons are that way, but that kind are. They don’t live in the bloodstream, they don’t live in the genes; they live in the mind.

 E:       Is sodomy worse than incest?

 M:      A lot of the incest that’s occurring is sodomy. I’ve heard that in Mexico Mexican fathers sodomize their daughters to be able to control them and bond them to the family, but they don’t give them vaginal sex so they can preserve them as virgins for their husbands. What a crock of bull! I’m convinced that Muslim hatred for non-Muslims comes from sodomy. Their rage has to come from sodomy.

 E:       I’ve heard that sodomy is rampant among Muslims, but I thought it was because of the laws that support revenge against men who make advances on women -- that this Muslim law is what makes them turn to boys. But you think it’s more than that?

 M:      Of course. Why would any normal man turn to boys? Even with those laws, I wouldn’t turn to boys.

 E:       So men are conditioned because they’re sodomized as children?

 M:      I think so. One guy I know knew a Saudi who said that over there women are for children and men are for love. The violence and hatred in that kind of stuff is produced by sodomy; it produces the internal rage.

          The massive buildup of Star Wars-type technology way beyond anything that they’re using for international policing is being developed in order to defeat Jesus Christ so the sodomites can take over the world. Satan can’t do it, so he’s using men to come up with the idea to try and do it. I know that what I’m saying is tremendously radical, but in the end the Lord Jesus Christ will win (Revelations 19 and 20).

 1.       Key of David:  The Illuminati claim sodomy is the Key of David and they use this scripture to prove it: “I will lay the key of the house of David on his shoulder; what he opens no man shall shut, and what he shuts no man shall open. He shall be a seat of honour for his father’s family; I will fasten him firmly in place like a peg. On him shall hang all the weight of the family, down to the lowest dregs -- all the little vessels, both bowls and pots. On that day, says the Lord of Hosts, the peg which was firmly fastened in its place shall be removed; it shall be hacked out and shall fall, and the load of things hanging on it shall be destroyed. The Lord has spoken.” (Isaiah 22:22-25)

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“Physical Body Door: The First Chakra”

 ...Since it rules our first dimensional self that is unable to reflect upon itself, perceptions from our root chakra are usually unconscious. This first dimensional portion of us can only be aware of a "hive or species consciousness". Even though, the first chakra has many masculine qualities it is also the "seat of the Goddess Kundalini" and is therefore often associated with our relationship with our mothers and with Mother Earth. Our relationships with our mother set up our attitude toward home, security, and money. If we are cut off from our roots, we feel cut off from the earth as well.

          The first chakra rules our survival consciousness and represents our deepest unconscious and most primitive self. This chakra represents the reptilian portion of our brain, which is our brainstem, our center for life support. The brainstem and the area immediately above it are called the reptilian brain because all creatures from reptiles to humans possess it. For reptiles, this area is their entire brain, but for humans, it is the base or stem of their brain.

          The first chakra represents birth to two years of age. This is the time before we have completed our process of individuation and still perceive ourselves as a part of our parents. This chakra represents our struggle to come to terms with our physical life and physical body.

          Each chakra feeds prana into a different endocrine gland. Just as there are seven chakras, there are seven endocrine glands. Both the chakras and the endocrine glands are located along the spinal cord. The endocrine glands manufacture hormones and supply them to the bloodstream. These glands are called "ductless" because there is not a duct to any specific part of the body. Instead, hormones are released into the bloodstream where they are carried by the blood to every organ and tissue to exert their influence on all functions of the physical body... The endocrine gland for the first chakra is the adrenal glands. There are actually two adrenal glands located with one on top of each of the two kidneys. The adrenal glands are the body's call to battle. When adrenaline is released into the system our perceptions become clearer, we have added vigor and feel more courageous. The release of adrenaline activates the fight/flight syndrome, which prepares us for battle or flight. Release of adrenaline and activation of fight/flight is brought on by real or imagined danger. Therefore, our emotions can activate a release of adrenaline when we feel extreme fear or even chronic anxiety...

          The first chakra is located near the sacral plexus... the nerve center which rules the skeleton, legs, feet, eliminatory system, male reproductive organs, and the prostate...

          The first chakra rules our first and second dimensional selves. Our first dimensional self represents the genetic coding, cells, and minerals of our bodies. It also represents our most primitive "animal self", which is represented by the fight/flight response that serves to assure the survival of the species. The root chakra also rules the male sex glands and the testosterone that they secrete. This testosterone drives the males in our society, and the male polarity of our psyche, to perpetuate and protect humanity.

           The Muldahara chakra is the foundation for the whole chakra system. Its function is to respond to any issues concerning survival: eating, sleeping, exercising, recovering from illness, making a living, or simply feeling safe and secure. If our survival needs are properly taken care of, then we can safely focus on other levels such as learning, creativity or relationships. if there is some damage to this chakra, then we find ourselves repeatedly coping with threats to our survival, which keeps us from accomplishing other things.

 Chakras: Tools for Transformation by Anita Slott, Alternative Culture Magazine

           The chakras are the ancient depositories of all the divine energy given to humanity at the beginning of time, "the seven Spirits" guiding us on our path of transformation, our initiation into the mysteries of life. The knowledge and use of chakras as a means to spiritual awakening has been recognised through the ages in all the great religions in one form or another...

          The Sanskrit name of the first chakra is Mooladhara. It means root and support. It is situated in males midway between the anus and the genitals at the perineum, and in the female at the cervix, where the vagina and the uterus join. Mooladhara is the lowest chakra in human beings, but the highest in animals. It is the chakra of group consciousness, in which animals live, and also humans who identify themselves only by family, nationality, race and religion, not yet able to detach from the group-soul and embrace their own individuality and independence. It is an energy which, in its most negative aspect, is heavily at work in all ethnic wars.

          ...The first chakra is depicted in Hindu teachings as a four petalled deep-red lotus flower. Its colour is red, the colour of passion and emotional love, and its number is four. Four is the number of manifestation, of matter, so we deal here with the energy of the material world. In fact, its element is earth. When the energy in this chakra is not activated and purified, when our consciousness has not developed beyond the three bottom chakras, we are unconscious of ourselves as individuals. We relate to the world out of our particular tribe at the exclusion of everything else. We are almost entirely self-centred and concerned with issues of survival in the material world and the energy manifests in its negative aspects in anger, greed, revenge, collective hatred, lust for power and control - all passions of our lower nature. The need for material security and control is the dominant energy.

          From Mooladhara three energy channels - called nadis in Sanskrit - make their ascent to Ajna (the sixth chakra [third eye]) entwining around the spine, crossing each other at every chakra. Ida is the mental energy, related to the breath flow in the left nostril and to the parasympathetic nervous system. Pingala is the vital energy, related to the right nostril and to the sympathetic nervous system. The Chinese concept of Ying and Yang corresponds exactly to Ida and Pingala. The main channel, which flows through a central canal in the spinal cord, is called Sushumna and is responsible for spiritual awareness. Sushumna rises up to the crown chakra. Through this canal Kundalini rises, the divine creative energy in us which, when awakened, transforms us from unconscious into conscious human beings and gives us full control of our body, mind and soul... Because Mooladhara is directly connected with Ajna through Ida and Pingala, awakening of Mooladhara awakens also Ajna, the centre of spiritual intuition and spiritual vision. And visa-versa.

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 Sex magick...

 Kenneth Grant. The Magical Revival. London, England: Frederick Muller Ltd., 1972.

           In Aspects of Occultism, [Dion] Fortune mentions the vibrations detected in sand. She attributes Egypt's strange influence to "the electricity generated by the ever-moving sands of the great Sahara desert, which so changes the normal rate of vibration, that an extension of consciouness is the result." The Ajna chakra, commonly called the third eye, has been found to consist of particles of very fine substance resembling sand, or the crystals in a wireless receiving set.

          The affinity between the secretions of the endocrine glands and the vibrations radiating from the subtle chakras explored by yogins, forms the basis of sexual magick which utilizes these vibrations in a way as yet unknown to science. All the so-called phallic cults originally possessed the true knowledge of these matters before it was lost or perverted by improper use. What remains of the ancient wisdom is the remnant only of debased and phallic rites...

          The Consciousness-Current is twofold: magical and mystical. The former operates in the lower chakras, the latter in the higher. That which ejaculates as semen is unabsorbed energy (prana or ojas), and it always contributes to the creation of material forms, whether lodged in a womb or not. If not, the overflow (as in masturbation, sodomy, fellatio, etc.), is taken up by the astral and quphotic entities and built into organisms already existing upon the subtle planes. Paracelsus refers to homunculi (artificially generated creatures) made from sperm independent of the female organism, and to astral larvae and parasitic monsters built out of the substance of voluptuous imaginings...

          The Work that lies ahead may be described symbolically as the marriage of the Beast and the Woman, the formula of which I have attempted to explain. Its hieroglyph is the Eleventh Key of the Book of Thoth. In the union of electrochemical and stellar vibrations represented by Babalon and the Beast, lies the key to the next stage in the advancement of evolution upon this planet. It will be achieved by a willed congress with extra-terrestrial entities of which, in a sense, Aiwaz is the immediate messenger to humanity...

          We are on the threshold of profound and far-reaching change. The Aeon of Horus is the Aeon of Magick, which is Change; but unlike all previous changes in the history of the race this Change will be of cosmic magnitude and it will occur in conformity with will, or, alternatively, it will terminate abruptly in chaos and disaster...                    Crowley illumined and exalted this simple yet radiant rite [the Ritual of the Pentagram] to a cosmic formula, merely by interpreting it in terms of New Aeon potencies. To the East, the place of the rising Power, he attributes the Phallus (the Beast), which represents the active terrestrial currents as they impregnate the earth. This activity stirs the sleeping Fire of the infernal regions (the subconsciousness) in the South [Ed.: the first chakra via the anus?], the abode of Set or Teth, and the phallic lion-serpents are set in motion. These are the electromagnetic lightnings that permeate Space; they are concentrated symbolically in the sphere of Sirius, the Sun in the South. The terrestrial and celestial vibrations are fused and polarized by Babalon (the Dragon of the Western Deep), to be transmitted by her and later transformed into regenerate Man, represented in the North by the Eleventh Sign of the Zodiac (Aquarius) whose elemental attribute is Air or Space. Through regenerated Man flows the influence of Nuit - the sky-goddess - a symbol of the cosmic energies of Infinite Space.

          In this simple circular process - more properly spiral, for it includes Height and Depth - is contained the entire formula of Magick in its new and cosmic mode. With very slight variation, the formula can be made the engine for invoking those extra- terrestrial energies with which Crowley had intermittent intercourse.


 [Ed.: It is crucial to understand something of how the occult works, given that the founding of America and the struggle to maintain it is steeped in it (e.g. Freemasonry, Theosophy, Satanism, etc.).

          The spiritual movement of Theosophy presently works internationally through Lucis Trust, umbrella for a variety of endeavors, including a publishing house, consultative status to the United Nations via the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), and nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) like World Goodwill and Triangles in Education. Robert Muller, former assistant Secretary General of the United Nations and winner of the UNESCO Prize for Peace Education in 1989 for his World Core Curriculum, espoused theosophical teachings: "The underlying philosophy upon which The Robert Muller School is based will be found in the teaching set forth in the books of Alice A. Bailey by the Tibetan teacher, Djwhal Khul.” Unfortunately, pedophilia -- often entailing sodomy -- is not restricted to priests of the Roman Catholic Church but may be involved in any occult or religious movement attempting to create “avatars” and mystics (the “Indigo children”?). We must learn to read between the lines of “spiritual” teachings and leaders and their “revelations.”

          The example below concerns theosophy and the dubious relationship between Leadbeater and the child Krishnamurti -- Krishnamurti’s parents eventually had to sue Besant and Leadbeater in order to get their son back -- but the problem can surface anywhere in any religion, as the recent scandal surrounding Sri Sathya Sai Baba proves (seehttp://www.sailinks.narod.ru/epage.htm ).]

           It is not enough to say that Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, a.k.a. Madame Blavatsky, was the primary force behind the emergence of the esoteric tradition called Theosophy. Indeed, Blavatsky might well be called the matriarch of the New Age and the catalyst for the current revival of the paranormal in all aspects of American society. Allegedly trained in occult philosophy in Tibet and influenced by Hinduism in India, Madame Blavatsky, a Russian-born psychic, settled in the United States in 1873. She claimed she had been sent to America by her Lodge (populated by members of the Universal Mystical Brotherhood) to share truth and unveil error. Two years after her arrival, she cofounded the Theosophical Society of New York City with Colonel Henry Steele Olcott, a lawyer with a keen interest in psychic phenomena. Theosophy was dedicated to the blending and promotion of ancient and occult religions and philosophies. These included, but were not confined to, Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism, the Egyptian Hermetic traditions, Neoplatonism, the Cabala, Rosicrucianism, Freemasonry, mesmerism, and spiritualism...

          After Blavatsky died in 1891, the Society she founded split into various branches and splinter groups. The most notable branch was led by Annie Besant, an Englishwoman who had converted to Theosophy in 1889 after reading Blavatsky’s The Secret Doctrine. A colleague of Besant was C. W. Leadbeater, an ex-Anglican minister turned Buddhist and clairvoyant. Leadbeater and Besant attempted to strengthen the ties between Theosophy, science, and psychic phenomena, coauthoring a book called Occult Chemistry. Besant spent a number of years in India developing the society Blavatsky had founded in Adyar, Madras. She was joined by Leadbeater, who had been expelled from the Theosophical Society earlier following charges of pedophilia [mkzine emphasis], but was readmitted by Besant after she became president. In India the two began to groom a young boy named Krishnamurti to be the next vehicle of the Supreme World Teacher or Christ. (Theosophists believe the “Supreme World Teacher” periodically enters the body of a human disciple to provide new revelation and guide the spiritual evolution of humanity.) - Christian Research Institute,http://biblefacts.org/cult/cri/theos.html

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